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Kgotha Kgothe event: 22 October 2011
Project Status:
Project Number: 918
Project Scope:

To organise and manage the 22nd October 2011 Kgotha Kgothe event's communciations-related activities.Furthermore to provide opportunity to morafe to ask questions related to the report. It also is an opportunity for Kgosi to reflect on the goals stated in the RBN Review.


In Scope:

  • Establish the committee with dedicated project managers;
  • A venue big enough for potentially 3000 participants (auditorium 1000 and overflow tent for 1300 and tent for 600 children), (1400 Morafe, 600 children  and 500 staff members) and eight 3x2m exhibitor gazebos; Replace existing Auditorium chairs with conference chairs; Foyer to be used to accomodate more people (100)
  • Auditorium's stage for presentations by Annual Report presenter, Master of Ceremony, Kgosi and protocol. Mmemogolo and Executive managers;
  • An effective sound system to communicate to 3000 people, broadcast on 2 big screens in auditorium, PA systems and nine plasma screens for gazebos;
  • Tents with a carrying capacity to cater for 2400 adults; 600 children ;
  • Gazebos equipped with tables, chairs, table clothes and plasma screens for the exhibition;
  • Gazebos will be placed for exhibition auditorium quart yard;
  • 120 Volunteers to assist with selected event proceedings (a stipend of R200 each);
  • Marketing of the event through print media, billboards and radio to disseminate information;Electronic media notification to staff and Dintshang
  • Transport for every village;
  • Projects booklet
  • Catering for breakfast with juice and lunch with juice for 2400 adults and 600 children(RBI feeding scheme);
  • Two bottled water per person (3000 people);
  • Volunteers to collect waste;
  • Local entertainers to entertain the community within and after the event;
  • Security monitored and maintained during event;
  • A separate programme for the main event and children's programme;
  • Registration of all attendees by using registration forms manually;
  • Communication's photographer and video broadcasting;
  • Emergency Services available for minor and major emergencies;
  • Acknowledge protocol;
  • 2 Sign language interpreters;
  • Help desk (One of the Gazebo's to be used)
  • T-shirts and caps for volunteers on duty
Key Focus Area: All
Focus Areas:
Beneficiaries: Disabled, Traditional leaders/Governance, Community, Bafokeng SMME's, RBN Employees, Senior Citizens, Women, Youth
Regions: All Regions
Villages: All Villages
Institutions: Shared Services
Progress Actual: 100 %
Progress Planned: 100 %
Baseline Start Date: Thursday 18 August 2011
Baseline End Date: Tuesday 22 November 2011
Actual Start Date: Thursday 18 August 2011
Actual End Date: Tuesday 22 November 2011
Schedule Variance:
0 days
0 %
Approved Total Budget: Hidden
Total Expenditures: Hidden
Estimated to Complete: Hidden
Total at Completion: Hidden
Budget Variance:
0.285 %
Risks: 6
Issues: Unresolved: 0
Resolved: 0
Total: 0




Milestones Calendar
Start Date: - End Date:

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