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RBN Operations Room Civic Centre roll-out
Project Status:
Project Number: 1111
Project Scope:

To roll out the RBN Operations room to the RBN Civic Centre by installing a computer and screen in the foyer in order to make the website and the information therein accessible to Morafe and to upgrade the existing systems at Chaneng and Mfidikwe in order to make it more accessible and user friendly.

In scope:

  • Upgrade the existing systems at Chaneng and Mfidikwe clinics to allow for more practicle use;
  • Ensure internet connectivity in each of the identified site;
  • Install hardware; and
  • Launch the the system with an unveiling and training to the receptionists.
Key Focus Area: Governance & Administration
Focus Areas:
Beneficiaries: Community
Regions: Capital Region, Central Region, South East Region
Villages: Phokeng, Chaneng, Mfidikwe
Institutions: Organisational Performance & Project Management Office (OPMO)
Progress Actual: 100 %
Progress Planned: 100 %
Baseline Start Date: Monday 19 November 2012
Baseline End Date: Friday 25 January 2013
Actual Start Date: Monday 19 November 2012
Actual End Date: Tuesday 14 January 2014
Schedule Variance:
-354 days
-528.358 %
Approved Total Budget: Hidden
Total Expenditures: Hidden
Estimated to Complete: Hidden
Total at Completion: Hidden
Budget Variance:
100 %
Risks: 0
Issues: Unresolved: 0
Resolved: 1
Total: 1




Milestones Calendar
Start Date: - End Date:

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