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Internet Service Provider (ISP) & Leased Line Connection
Project Status:
Project Number: 1315
Project Scope:

To oversee and monitor the implementation of the ISP leased line to improve ICT services such as internet in the organisation, as internet services are of outmost importance in addressing today’s business functionality, operability and cost-effectiveness as they provide integrated platforms for data procession, voice and video transmission. An Internet services provider (ISP) will be appointed to provide these services. The key strategic objective is to centralise Information Communication Technology (ICT) service for all of RBN entities. As well as implementing a shared internet pipe for all the RBN business and private institutions. The services to be rendered include the following:

In scope:

  • Integrated and cost-effective voice services;
  • Internet and Data services;
  • MPLS / VPN services between RBA and RBH; and 
  • Consolidation of our Telephone system.
Key Focus Area: Governance & Administration
Focus Areas: Public & Community Utilities
Beneficiaries: Disabled, Principals, Teachers, Traditional leaders/Governance, Community, Bafokeng SMME's, Children, RBN Employees, Senior Citizens, Women, Youth
Regions: All Regions
Villages: All Villages
Institutions: Shared Services: IT
Progress Actual: 100 %
Progress Planned: 100 %
Baseline Start Date: Friday 10 May 2013
Baseline End Date: Wednesday 23 October 2013
Actual Start Date: Friday 10 May 2013
Actual End Date: Wednesday 2 December 2015
Schedule Variance:
-770 days
-463.855 %
Approved Total Budget: Hidden
Total Expenditures: Hidden
Estimated to Complete: Hidden
Total at Completion: Hidden
Budget Variance:
0 %
Risks: 2
Issues: Unresolved: 0
Resolved: 4
Total: 4




Milestones Calendar
Start Date: - End Date:

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