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Youth Cohort Tracking Study
Project Status:
Project Number: 1844
Project Scope:

This project aims to accompany Plan 35 by tracking representative groups of Bafokeng young people, looking specifically at their positions vis-a-vis employment.

As a tracking study, it will be a first data-gathering opportunity, which could be repeated at various times over the next 20 years. 2015 will be the in-take year, requiring interviews with the cohort members and their families to establish a baseline. Future tracking will be mainly by telephone and sms. The initial study design and technical database set-up will be outsourced to a professional social research company, with strong internal guidance from the Research Department to ensure that the content being tracked supports our ability to measure progress towards the goals of Plan 35 through the generations. This project complements the PULA initiative.

This study will provide crucial ongoing information about the relevance of education outcomes, youth employment choices and youth identity (especially in relation to Bafokeng governance structures). The project will be completed by end September 2015.

In scope:

  • Developing a questionnaire/instrument appropriate to youth causal factors/barriers to employment;
  • Appointing a research partner company;
  • Training a fieldwork team;
  • Conducting a pilot study;
  • Conducting fieldwork;
  • Cleaning and analyzing data; and
  • Write report and make recommendations about youth empowerment.


Key Focus Area: Governance & Administration
Focus Areas: Education and Skills Development, Health and Social Development, Economic Development
Beneficiaries: Traditional leaders/Governance, Community, Children, Youth
Regions: All Regions
Villages: Phokeng, Kgale, Lefaragatlha, Bobounja, Lenatong, Luka, Chaneng, Diepkuil (Maile), Kanana, Serutube, Tantanana, Tlaseng, Marakana & Mosenthal, Roodekraalspruit, Kopman (Maile), Thekwane, Photsaneng, Mfidikwe, Mabitse, Tlapa & Tlapa East, Mogono, Tsitsing, Rasimone, Mafenya, Lesung, Mafika, Maile Extension, Leloreng, Motsitle (Mamerotse), Mogojane, Robega, All Villages
Institutions: Research
Progress Actual: 100 %
Progress Planned: 100 %
Baseline Start Date: Friday 10 July 2015
Baseline End Date: Tuesday 3 November 2015
Actual Start Date: Friday 10 July 2015
Actual End Date: Monday 7 December 2015
Schedule Variance:
-34 days
-29.31 %
Approved Total Budget: Hidden
Total Expenditures: Hidden
Estimated to Complete: Hidden
Total at Completion: Hidden
Budget Variance:
17.168 %
Risks: 2
Issues: Unresolved: 0
Resolved: 0
Total: 0




Milestones Calendar
Start Date: - End Date:

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