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Elderly abuse campaign
Project Status:
Project Number: 1950
Project Scope:

To raise awareness in the Thekwane community about elderly abuse. This is to teach the community that elderly abuse is a crime and it should be reported like any other crime. Thekwane is one of the villages where elder abuse is mostly reported by the care givers. Cases reported includes all forms of abuse that is physical, sexual , psychological and economical.  The project will include inviting stakeholder from social development department. All the elderly in and around Thekwane village will be invited to attend this campaign. The aim of this project is try to reduce the rate in which the elderly are treated in Bafokeng nation. The campaign will be held on the 17 of Aprilln2015.

In scope:

  • Project plan and approval
  • Identification and inviting stakeholders
  • Community mobilisation
  • Meetings with care givers
  • Secure Logistics
  • Brief stakeholders
  • Host the event
Key Focus Area: Health and Social Development
Focus Areas: Education and Skills Development, Health and Social Development, Economic Development
Beneficiaries: Senior Citizens
Regions: South East Region
Villages: Thekwane, Photsaneng, Mfidikwe
Institutions: Health & Social Development Services (HSDS)
Progress Actual: 100 %
Progress Planned: 100 %
Baseline Start Date: Tuesday 10 March 2015
Baseline End Date: Friday 17 April 2015
Actual Start Date: Tuesday 10 March 2015
Actual End Date: Friday 17 April 2015
Schedule Variance:
0 days
0 %
Approved Total Budget: Hidden
Total Expenditures: Hidden
Estimated to Complete: Hidden
Total at Completion: Hidden
Budget Variance:
34 %
Risks: 1
Issues: Unresolved: 0
Resolved: 0
Total: 0




Milestones Calendar
Start Date: - End Date:

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