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Facilitate the establishment of Aged Soccer Team
Project Status:
Project Number: 329
Project Scope:

Establishment of aged soccer team as a pilot project in the North East Region (Tsitsing village). The aim of the project is to encourage active ageing and wellness through excercise.

In Scope:

  • Liaise with Royal Bafokeng Sports (Development unit)
  • Project proposal
  • Sports ground
  • Sport equipment
  • Transport
  • Emergency Medical Services
  • Marketing through media 
  • Coach/Trianer
  • Budget
Key Focus Area: Health and Social Development
Focus Areas: Sport Development
Beneficiaries: Senior Citizens
Regions: North East Region
Villages: Tsitsing
Institutions: Health & Social Development Services (HSDS)
Progress Actual: 100 %
Progress Planned: 100 %
Baseline Start Date: Tuesday 15 February 2011
Baseline End Date: Thursday 24 November 2011
Actual Start Date: Tuesday 15 February 2011
Actual End Date: Thursday 24 November 2011
Schedule Variance:
0 days
0 %
Approved Total Budget: Hidden
Total Expenditures: Hidden
Estimated to Complete: Hidden
Total at Completion: Hidden
Budget Variance:
100 %
Risks: 1
Issues: Unresolved: 0
Resolved: 2
Total: 2




Milestones Calendar
Start Date: - End Date:

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