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Revamping of Meals on Wheels Project
Project Status:
Approved Active
Project Number: 2661
Project Scope:

To revamp five (5) existing Meals on wheels centres located in South East, Central and North East regions, villages namely Potsaneng, Kopman, Tlaseng, Lesung, Tantanana. According to the 2022 PULA Survey 30% of the population fall below the food poverty line, indicative of a need for food security programmes/initiatives. 

All five (5) centres will be visted to assess the current status and identifiy remedial actions and requireed equipment. This will be done in collaboration with Infraco Department and Procuremnt Department. The project is envisioned to run from the 18th of September 2023 to the 14th of December 2023. 

In Scope:

  • Site visit to assess current status of centres;
  • Procurement of equipment utilities;
  • Repair of infrastructure;
  • Reinforcement of security; and
  • Site visits and Monitoring.
Key Focus Area: Food Security
Focus Areas: Health and Social Development, Food Security
Beneficiaries: Senior Citizens
Regions: Central Region, North East Region, South East Region
Villages: Tantanana, Tlaseng, Photsaneng, Lesung, Kopman (Maile)
Institutions: Health & Social Development Services (HSDS)
Progress Actual: 13.7 %
Progress Planned: 100 %
Baseline Start Date: Wednesday 17 January 2024
Baseline End Date: Tuesday 16 April 2024
Actual Start Date: Wednesday 17 January 2024
Actual End Date: Friday 13 September 2024
Schedule Variance:
-150 days
-166.667 %
Approved Total Budget: Hidden
Total Expenditures: Hidden
Estimated to Complete: Hidden
Total at Completion: Hidden
Budget Variance:
0 %
Risks: 2
Issues: Unresolved: 4
Resolved: 0
Total: 4




Milestones Calendar
Start Date: - End Date:

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